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Light Morph Harlan’s Red-tailed Hawk (Buteo jamaicensis harlani)

Harley came to us from Ironside Bird Rescue in Wyoming. She was rescued after being hit by a vehicle on a highway in 2017. She was a first-year bird in 2017. She had a fractured radius and ulna in left wing that was not repairable.

Adopt a Bird

It costs roughly $11,000 each year to feed all the birds, and we also spend about $4,000 in vet care per year.  The Adopt-a-Bird program helps generate much needed funding to properly care for the education ambassador birds.  We have 2 levels of adoption available, $75 and $300, and each level comes with unique gifts in acknowledgement of your generous donation.  Adopt a bird and receive the following:

$75 - In appreciation of your donation, you will receive a custom sticker, personalized certificate and photo of your chosen bird.  Certificates can be personalized for gift giving and sent to the recipient with an acknowledgement card indicating the donor/giver. 

$300 - In appreciation of your donation, you will receive a custom sticker, personalized certificate and photo of your chosen bird.  Certificates can be personalized for gift giving and sent to the recipient with an acknowledgement card indicating the donor/giver. You can also schedule a personal and private meet and greet with your chosen bird at Wild Bird Adventures. 

Packet mailing address

Select a Donation level

Donor address (if different)

Select your bird ambassador to adopt:

Thank you for helping support our bird ambassadors!

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