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In the Blink of an Eye


Hummingbirds demonstrate that size does not define greatness. Over the past few weeks at Wild Bird Adventures, we've hosted more than 50 Ruby-throated Hummingbirds gearing up for their monumental trek across the Gulf of Mexico. The Ruby-throated Hummingbird, the sole breeding species in eastern North America, returns each spring from Central America, bringing splendor to our gardens. These beloved avian jewels were nearly driven to extinction due to the late 19th and early 20th-century fashion trends. At that time, women's hats were adorned with feathers and entire birds, with hummingbirds being particularly favored. In 1860 alone, over 500,000 hummingbird skins were auctioned in London for millinery purposes.

Today, hummingbirds rank among our most cherished birds, often inspiring newcomers to explore birdwatching. With a weight of merely 3-6 grams, a wingbeat frequency of 53 times per second, and the ability to fly 1000 miles non-stop across the Gulf, these birds are truly astonishing. For those of us in southeast Texas, our backyards can make a life-or-death difference during their migration. A small garden with native plants rich in nectar and supplemented with feeders can serve as an essential haven on their remarkable journey.

Here in Waller County, we have 12 hummingbird feeders up, and we make sure to refresh the sugar water every 2-3 days. The sugar water is a simple mixture of 1 part sugar to 4 parts water. We keep a jug in the fridge, which we bring to room temperature before cleaning and refilling the feeders. We also provide lots of perches for the hummers to rest on so that they can be close to the feeders and safe from predators. The perches are just branches we find on the property, snugged into conduit pipe

that are stuck in the ground. By late September, these small travelers will be almost gone from our area. A few might overwinter in the area, so be watchful of stragglers and keep the feeders available. In the blink of an eye these marvels will be gone from our skies so be sure to enjoy them now.

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