In Chinese astrology, 2025 marks the year of the snake, the sixth creature in the 12-animal cycle of the Chinese calendar. The snake not only represents stealth and cunning but also embodies wisdom, intuition, and transformation. A snake shedding its skin signifies new beginnings, making it an ideal symbol for the new year.
Many birds naturally prey on snakes, while snakes are also known to hunt various bird species. However, there is one bird often referred to as the "snakebird." The Anhinga, found in the southern United States, Central, and South America, earns this name due to its remarkable ability to swim through dark waters with only its long, snake-like neck and head visible above the surface. Its dense bones and lack of waterproofing on its feathers enable it to dive deeply for fish. Once out of the water, the Anhinga dries off by perching on a low branch with its wings spread before taking flight. In the air, Anhingas soar on thermals with wings outstretched, forming a perfect cross in the sky.
The Cornell's All About Birds website states that "the name Anhinga comes from the Tupi Indians in Brazil, meaning 'devil bird' or 'evil spirit of the woods.'"
This intriguing snakebird can be spotted along Houston's bayous and throughout southeast Texas. They are striking with jet black feathers adorned with white and silver on their wings and back.
